Parole Crociate Crittografate, a numero uguale corrisponde lettera uguale. Completa gli oltre 100 cr
看更多 »Marco Gentili
Briscola 10 in 1
Con la nuova "Briscola 10 in 1" puoi giocare a briscola in dieci modi differenti!!!Una unica App con
看更多 »Enigma - The Math Puzzle
Enigma is the most popular mathematical puzzle in the world. Known as the "Calculation Enigmatic" in
看更多 »Mathdoku + Calcudoku
Mathdoku + Calcudoku is arithmetic and logic puzzle similar to Sudoku and based on rules of Kendoku
看更多 »Sudoku VIP
Sudoku VIP is the most complete app to play Sudoku and ...Four games in one:- "Sudoku Classic", stan
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